Course discounts for signing up at the show.
Come to our booth #1721 and get more details!
Upcoming Events Calendar
The McLaughlin Program
A two-year, postgraduate orthodontic course
(Courses are now offered as separate modules. It is not necessary to take all courses.)
Session 2: June 23-25, 2018
Session 3: October 5-7, 2018
Session 4: February 9-11, 2019
Session 5: June 8-10, 2019
Session 6: December 7-9, 2019
JSOP - Just Short of Perfect
Featuring Dr. Ron Roncone & The PhysioDynamic System
Session 1: July 26-29, 2018
Session 2: November 8-11, 2018
Session 3: March 7-9, 2019
Mini Residency with Dr. Straty Righellis
in Oakland, CA
May 11-12, 2018
June 1-2, 2018
August 17-18, 2018
September 7-8, 2018