HomeSearchDura-Fit Type

Dura-Fit Type

Stiff band material. Etched inside.

Guaranteed safe hold.

Dura-Fit Type (Catalog)

  • Properties

    FORESTADENT’s Dura-Fit molar bands guarantee a safe hold to the tooth thanks to the band with standard laser-etched inside. Orthodontic treatments can be realised completely reliably. The bands are made from a hard material and offer a perfect fit due to their pronounced anatomical contour. This is supported with lingual and buccal adaptations and cusp indents. The molar bands are easy to place thanks to the snap-on effect and reduced interproximal band thickness.

  • Benefits
    [Translate to English:] Dura-Fit Form Forestadent
    1. Perfect fit through anatomically adapted shape with lingual and buccal cusp indents
    2. Easy placing through the snap-on effect and reduced interproximal band thickness
    3. Optimal hold on the tooth thanks to laser-etched inside
    4. Easy identification thanks to laser marking
    5. Large selection with 32 available sizes (statistically calculated ranges)

FORESTADENT’s Dura-Fit molar bands guarantee a safe hold to the tooth thanks to the band with standard laser-etched inside. Orthodontic treatments can be realised completely reliably. The bands are made from a hard material and offer a perfect fit due to their pronounced anatomical contour. This is supported with lingual and buccal adaptations and cusp indents. The molar bands are easy to place thanks to the snap-on effect and reduced interproximal band thickness.

[Translate to English:] Dura-Fit Form Forestadent
  1. Perfect fit through anatomically adapted shape with lingual and buccal cusp indents
  2. Easy placing through the snap-on effect and reduced interproximal band thickness
  3. Optimal hold on the tooth thanks to laser-etched inside
  4. Easy identification thanks to laser marking
  5. Large selection with 32 available sizes (statistically calculated ranges)

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