

Asymmetry and force balance

Headgear with neck support.

Low-Cervical-Pull (Catalog)

  • Properties

    Continuous forces
    The Low-Cervical-Pull (according to Prof. Dr. H. G. Sander) is used for the distalisation of molars. Elastic springs incorporated into the low cervical pull allow for equal asymmetrical continuous forces.

    The safety stops prevent injuries.


  • Benefits
    [Translate to English:] Low-Cervical Pull, Forestadent
    1. High patient comfort and quicker treatment thanks to evenly acting forces

Continuous forces
The Low-Cervical-Pull (according to Prof. Dr. H. G. Sander) is used for the distalisation of molars. Elastic springs incorporated into the low cervical pull allow for equal asymmetrical continuous forces.

The safety stops prevent injuries.


[Translate to English:] Low-Cervical Pull, Forestadent
  1. High patient comfort and quicker treatment thanks to evenly acting forces

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